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Jelmar Van Aert

Tired of ineffective meetings? Hire me as a facilitator to get things done!

Are your team meetings unproductive, leaving you frustrated and struggling to achieve meaningful outcomes? If your answer is yes, you're not alone. Ineffective meetings can hinder progress and waste valuable time. A workshop facilitator is there to turn the tide.

Interested? Let's book a discovery call together to see where a facilitator could help you.


Make my meetings effective!


What others say about my workshops.

star star star star star_half
star star star star star

Usefull interaction among the participants.

star star star star star

Well build and great thread throughout the workshop!

star star star star star

Nice lead of debates and sharing of the ideas among participants.

star star star star star

I liked the open discussion and the fresh ideas we can use to experiment!

star star star star star

The workshop gave me a new perspective and is a first step to change!

What even is a workshop?

A workshop is an interactive meeting in which a group of people goes through a series of activities to achieve to solve a problem or work on a project. Workshops are often led by a facilitator and can range from a couple of hours to multiple days.

A workshop facilitator helps everyone contribute to the meeting. You can look at a workshop of a series of structured discussions. Here is where the facilitator has a big role.

The most common workshops


Goal: Reflect on a past period to make improvements for the future.

Duration: 1 hour - 1 day

Strategic planning

Goal: Build strategic Objectives and Key results with a group of people.

Duration: 4 hours - 2 days

Problem Solving

Goal: Create ideas and an action plan towards a problem the team is facing.

Duration: 1 hour - 4 hours

Design Sprint

Goal: Solve big problems and new ideas in a limited time.

Duration: 1 week - 2 weeks

Your bespoke workshop

Not sure which workshop fits your purpose? Don't worry, we can build you a bespoke workshop just for your purpose.


Discover what your workshop looks like!


Get to know Jelmar

Jelmar is an experienced and passionate facilitator. He started his career as a software developer but found his passion of facilitation when he took on the role as Scrum Master.

Seeing the power that the facilitation of workshops can bring to teams he decided to focus all his attention towards aligning people and help teams get things done!


Discover how Jelmar can help!

Jelmar Van Aert avatar

Do you need an external facilitator?

Not every workshop or retrospective you plan needs an external facilitator. Here are some pointers for you to look at if you need an external facilitator.

I need a facilitator

  • You want to be a neutral participant in the workshop you are planning.
  • You need a customized approach to achieve the goals of the workshop.
  • You want a fresh, unbiased perspective for your custom workshop.
  • Your team has struggles keeping discussions on track.
  • Every participant needs to be engaged with the content of the workshop.


Book a discovery call now!


I don't need a facilitator

  • An external facilitator may be more expensive than using an internal one.
  • You don't need to participate neutrally to the workshop. (If you are a team member you are not neutral.)
  • You want to moderate your own retrospective or workshop.